Well, I guess its been quite a while hu? Lindsey Lea has been busy updating which reminded me that... well, not so much on my end. A whole ton of stuff has happened since the last blog sign-in (I doubt there are many of you out there reading this, so I supposed it doesn't really matter, but for my own peace of mind I guess...)
I guess you could say whirlwind! Just a little marriage, moving out, having a fabulous home with my husband (that is still weird to say!) and general day to day movement forward.

June 6, 2010 was our day! It was magic. There just really is not another word to describe it. So many tears (good), laughter, great food, amazing people and at the end of it all, we were married! Plus Uncle Rog married us =) couldn't be more perfection..
And I sure did luck out on husbands. I couldn't be more lucky.
There will be more later (this was very short and slightly not well thought out! LOL)