Monday, September 8, 2008

because I can

Well, after two years and a total of 19 years of school, I have finally finished my masters. I set out a long time ago with a list knowing that the only thing in life that could keep me from achieving my goals was my own fear. Today I have climbed mountains with bare hands, walked on water in the pacific, I free fell from 2 and 1/2 miles above the earth's surface, I walked the Roman streets, navigated Venetian channels and circled the David, I have crossed finish line after finish line, ran, swam and biked more miles than I care to count, gained new friends and lost old ones. I have conquered my fears daily knowing that life is too short to not dream. And now at 25 I have finished my masters degree and have no notion of slowing down.

We lost Rick 11 years ago this Sept. 18th, and I am far from the scared 14 year old girl I was then. In fact none of us are as we were 11 years ago. But personally, I have learned to live because I have been given a simple gift of life. I learned that no one is immune from pain, everyone has a sad story and it is what we do with these visions that either make or break us. Do we get out of bed in the morning or do we fear the unknown? This year, we lost bella and dad totaled the car, the two things that embodied Rick. I learned that sometimes, no matter how much we want to run eventually we all face things we don't want to. Within three weeks, dad was in the hospital, we lost the last tangible items of Rick, and most sadly we lost Tony, a great, wonderful and powerful man who never lost his smile even as he breathed his last breath, a lesson we should all learn. All of this reminded us just how small we are, how control is beyond us and there is a plan that is a guiding hand, our fates are intertwined and we love, hurt, breath, sing as one soul.

And yet this year we gained the first grandchild, learned hard lessons about who we are and what we want in life and in others, and celebrated two addition wedding anniversaries Sarafina/Jason, Toby/Jac among the 4 powerful ones of Lisa/Joel, TJ/Susan, Diane/Roger and Grandma and Grandpa at 62 years. First houses have been bought which make first homes, illnesses have been conquered, love has persevered. Nothing about any of these lives has been perfect, but the faith has remained just as the faith in each other has strengthened us year after year despite each suffering personal and family crisis. And despite gaining a masters, I have learned nothing there that my family has not already taught me every single day of my life. I have not gained anything that you haven't all gained in your daily triumphs, loves and losses. And yet we learn that loss is never personal, loss is never a solitary act for we find love and strength in our family and friends and today I have more connections and power in my relationships with those who matter the absolute most, the loves of my life, and the experience and the memories of those who watch over us from above.

I may have finished a personal milestone, but it you who deserves the credit, it is you who has accomplished a dream for I am all of you and with out all of you I would have never made it. You come to me in different forms, parents, cousins, aunts and uncles, through marriage, through friendship, though loss, in strength and in weakness, there has never been a moment where anyone has given up on anyone else, never not turned around when called to come back, offered a helping hand when down on a knee, offered a shoulder to cry on or an embrace. And these things are always planned the timing is perfect, just those chance meetings that lead to a soul mate or connection that yielded greatness and dynamic sparks that ignited a lifetime, just as the timing of this huge occasion has been placed appropriately for me. Nothing is easy, not ever, but, not once has anyone ever given up on what we all know is a bond that helps us achieve the smallest to the larges feats.

And so we honor of those who have been lost but not forgotten along the way, the goals reached, the milestones accomplished, the love gained and the love lost in all of you, everyday, for ever second when we think of it or when we don't. I could never put into words how much I love you all, how much you mean to me and the strength you have given me, and how you have helped me accomplish my dreams. Take a moment to tell someone you love them, to tell them you are proud of them, you miss them, you are sorry, to say congratulations, to offer an unexpected compliment, or to tell them you are thinking about them. We are all reaching goals each day big and small, all of them important and it is important that we know that regardless, we have the support of all of those around us despite our separate situations and when it counts we are all in for the fight.
Thank you all so much, I love you with all of my heart, I am sorry if I have neglected, acted out, mistreated, forgot, mis-spoke, or misjudged, at the end of the day, I loved you, and I always will regardless of where you are, if we have talked or it has been awhile. You mean the world to me and there will always been the good and the bad, the dark and the light but as I always say, there will be days of clarity and days of sorrow, but all days are worth while in the journey. So thank you, Thank you so much.
My love,

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