Life is the series of events all strung together, seemingly haphazardly, where we have no notions of what lies ahead. But there are these moments of blinding clarity. They hit you when you need them the most. Where everything that plagues you mind everyday, wears you down every hour, puts pressure on your every minute, and wastes all your seconds suddenly for a brief instance makes complete sense. You understand that everything in your life happens/has happened for a reason and you feel whole, just in that fragment of time your path seems clear. You remember your amazing achievements and move past your disappointments. And these pebbles of hope are enough to sustain you. You realize that your past happenings are nothing but learning experiences, the bad cannot harm you but has strengthened you, and those good compelled you.
We have these places in life where we have reached the top, the top of a mountain, the crossing of a stage, the lines of a court, the conquering of that fear, the attainment of that goal, the strength in a moment. When you caught that necessary glance, set foot where you have never stood before, your own personal moon landing, your small step, and it is these times in life we must reflect upon to motivate us. Life is about the journey, as they say, but we get caught up in how hard or sad our journey is rather than embracing the challenges and knowing that it is ultimately the pain, and the broken strengthen those moments and get us to the top. You cannot climb a mountain without moving up. Life is that combination of stumbling, bleeding, scratching, climbing, reaching and succeeding. You have always had the tools but in those moments of clarity is when things are revealed to remind you: There is a purpose to everything.
There are never instances in life where everything is lost, “Everything’s not lost” (coldplay) and remember we are “Meant to live” (switchfoot).
We don’t always put ourselves in good positions in life, it is important to remember that happiness is above all the most important thing. We must trust our instincts and believe in ourselves and live in our moments of clarity so they remind us of our journey.
Joan of arc said “I am not afraid, I was born to do this,” talk about clarity. Remember that what got us here today is not what will sustain us, life is ever changing and we must embrace it otherwise we will never move forward. Always look back to remember where you have been, who you have loved, lost, what you have gained, believed in and attained, but always keep moving forward. Keep your head to the sky and you heart in your hand, trust, love, understand you will get hurt, but know that there will be beautiful moments of clarity that will motivate you to move ahead. Have, share, live clarity.
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