Friday, August 1, 2008

This is something I found that I actually felt summed me up pretty well. I don't know if you believe in the whole astrology, stars thing but I think there may be a little bit of truth in it. Emphasis on little bit of course. Anyway, I think this pretty much says it all:

A Taurus female is a tall woman. Even if she measures under five feet, she can reach tall enough to meet almost any emergency life chooses to throw her way. In many ways, the Taurean female is the salt of the earth, a combination of most of the sterling qualities every male looks for and seldom finds. She may have a violent temper that would frighten a strong man into running for the woods (or at least ducking under a table-cloth), but she won’t go on a raging rampage without good provocation. Ordinarily, if you don’t torment her beyond human endurance, or if Fate doesn’t hand her a really rough bunch of cards, she’ll play the game of life fairly, with cool, admirable calm. Her candor and basic honesty are undiluted with normal feminine tricks and tears. The Taurean girl has more moral and emotional courage than many a tough male, but she has enough confidence in her own sex to let you be the boss, if you want the job. If you don’t fill it, she may grab control and run things herself, but she’d much rather have it the other way around. She seeks a real man.That’s because she knows she’s a real woman, and she’s proud of it. To her, being a woman doesn’t necessarily mean being an incorrigible flirt, a mental fluff ball or a mewing kitten who pretends to be weak to get her own way. It won’t be long before you see she has a mind of her own, and it’s quite strong enough not to have to resort to teasing to gain an objective.

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